13 research outputs found

    Penerapan Fuzzy TOPSIS dalam Penentuan Lokasi Kawasan Pengembangan Rantai Pasok Bioenergi Kelapa Sawit

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    .This study aims to obtain the best location of the target area of agro-industrial development of bioenergy in the supply chain. Through a systems approach, using fuzzy TOPSIS, an analysis of various key criteria was conducted, including availability of raw materials, land conditions and prices, the ease of access to transportation, the distance to the city center, the availability of labor at the target location, availability of infrastructure – such as water and electricity, the use of the location and orientation of multiplier effect. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, from the five areas being targeted for locations of bioenergy agro-industry development in the province of Riau, including Industrial Area Kuala Enok; Palm Oil Region in Rokan Hulu; Pelintung Dumai Industrial Area; Palm Oil Region in Bagan Batu Rokan Hilir and Teknopolitan Region in Pelalawan, the one that has been voted the best location is Pelintung Dumai Industrial Area. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh lokasi terbaik yang menjadi target kawasan pengembangan agroindustri bioenergi dalam satu mata rantai pasokan. Melalui pendekatan sistem, dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy TOPSIS, dilakukan analisis terhadap berbagai kriteria penting diantaranya ketersediaan bahan baku, kondisi lahan dan harga, kemudahan akses transportasi, jarak lokasi dengan pusat kota, ketersediaan tenaga kerja pada lokasi sasaran, ketersediaan infrastruktur seperti air dan listrik, orientasi pemanfaatan lokasi serta multiflier effect.  Berdasarakan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, dari lima target kawasan yang menjadi sasaran lokasi pengembangan agroindustri bioenergi di Provinsi Riau, diantaranya Kawasan Industri Kuala Enok, Kawasan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Rokan Hulu, Kawasan Industri Pelintung Dumai, Kawasan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Bagan Batu Rokan Hilir dan Kawasan Teknopolitan di Kabupaten Pelalawan, telah terpilih lokasi terbaik, yakni di Kawasan Industri Pelintung Duma

    Identifikasi Dan Evaluasi Risiko Menggunakan Fuzzy Fmea Pada Rantai Pasok Agroindustri Udang

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    Agroindustri udang dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang kompleks dan rentan terhadap gangguan.Untuk dapat mengenali risiko masing-masing pelaku rantai pasok dan memilih tindakan berdasarkan prioritas diperlukan suatu model identifikasi dan evaluasi risiko.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan modelidentifikasidan evaluasirisikorantai pasok udang. Identifikasi risiko akan dilakukan dengan pendekatan what-if analysis dan evaluasi risiko yang dikembangkan menggunakan model fuzzy FMEA, dengan input data dari beberapa ahli dan pelaku rantai pasok udang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku petani mempunyai risiko yang paling tinggi dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,45. jika dibandingkan risiko pada tingkat pedagang pengumpul (0,29) dan risiko agroindustri (0,18). Risiko dominan pada tingkat petani disebabkan oleh kegagalan panen akibat serangan hama dan penyakit. Pada tingkat pengumpul risiko dominan adalah keberadaan dan loyalitas pemasok.Sedangkan pada tingkat prosesor risiko dominan adalah keragaman mutu pasokan dan kontaminasi antibiotik pada komoditi udang. Secara keseluruhan model ini dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktorrisiko dan variabel pada tiap tingkatan rantai pasok serta memilih tindakan prioritas sehingga akan diperolehrekomendasi berupa tindakan yang tepat untukmengantisipasinya

    Pengaruh Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Tingkat Kesehatan Dan Daya Saing Di Perbankan Indonesia

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    The research aims to analyse contribution of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) implementation in Indonesia banking industry and its healthiness as well as its competitiveness. The research employs case study approach with the objects of State-owned Banks, which are Bank Mandiri, BRI, and BNI compared to Private Banks, which are BCA and Bukopin. Stepwise regression test are applied to find the correlation between GCG, healthiness, dan competitiveness, while Kruskall Wallis test is used to find whether any significant difference exists between the banks. The result shows that GCG implementation, based on the statistical methods, has significant relationship with the healthiness, which are inherent risk profile and capital adequacy variable, also with the competitiveness, which are productivity, profitability, and market valuation variable

    Desain Sistem Kompensasi Gaji Pokok Berbasis Person Value Pada Perusahaan Agroindustri

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    The oobjective of this research is to design Base Pay Compensation System that based on Person Value in order to increase internal equity within a company. Person Value determined by short of competencies possessed by a job holder that relevant to the job competency model. Through this research, each and every managerial jobs under general manager completed by a competency model defined by a panel of expert. The expert panel also determines relative value of each competency based on its importance role in supporting the company achieving the goals. Person Value of job holders was calculated based on their available competency indicated through a multi-rater approach. Finally base pay of every job holders was calculated by redistributing current company budget proportionally based on their person value. The result of this research validated through a face validity method conducted by senior management team as key stake holders of the company

    Studi Peningkatan Kinerja Manajemen Rantai Pasok Sayuran Dataran Tinggi Di Jawa Barat

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    A performance measurement model is a necessary tool for highland vegetables supply chain performance improve- ment in West Java. The performance measurement is conducted to support an objective planning, a performance evaluation, and determination of the future steps in strategical, tactical and operational levels. This study used system approach which is supported by Exponential Comparison Method (ECM) for the selection of superior products; the combination of the SCOR Model with the Fuzzy AHP to design performance metrics; the Data Envelopment Analy- sis (DEA) for performance measurement; and the SWOT analysis to formulate the strategy for increasing the supply chain performance. The result of the ECM showed three commodities with the highest value i.e. Papprica, Lettuce Head and Broccoli. The combined SCOR - Fuzzy AHP analysis produced the performance metric values as follows: delivery performance (0.111), compliance to quality standards (0.299), order fulfillment performance (0.182), order leadtime (0.068), order fulfillment cycle time (0.080), supply chain flexibility (0.052), the SCM cost (0.086), cash-to- cash cycle time (0.080), and the daily stock (0.048). The supply chain performance measurement for Lettuce with the DEA approach indicated that the farmers had not been 100% efficient. While at the company level, the supply chain performance measurement of Lettuce crop and fresh cut showed the efficiency performance of 100 %. Eventually, the SWOT strategy analysis on the Lettuce lead to the following recommendations to improve the performance:1) use hydrophonic cultivation technology and reduce excessive pesticides, 2) optimize the planting and harvesting schedules considering the climate; 3) increase the responsiveness and the flexibility in meeting consumer orders, and 4) imple- ment the required standard quality assurance and management systems to ensure the consistency of the product quality and acceptability by the consumers

    Appropriate harvest age of mango (Mangifera indica cv. Arumanis) for quality assurance in long distance transportation planning in Indonesia

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    Transportation of mango (Mangifera indica) is a significant challenge in a large archipelago country like Indonesia. This study addresses the quality assurance problem of long-distance transportation of mangoes from Java Island, Indonesia, and recommends the optimal harvest age for different transportation schemes in the Indonesian mango supply chain. The study investigated harvested mangoes at three different maturity levels and evaluated their quality characteristics, including climacteric peak and respiration rate, total soluble solids, acidity, firmness, dry matter concentration, and weight loss. Samples were kept in their respective packaging during storage to imitate transportation conditions, and an Internet of Things (IoT)-based system was used for real-time monitoring and remote access to the storage conditions information. Long-distance transportation cases of six destinations with different distances, modes of transportation, travel durations, and environmental conditions were studied. Mango harvested at 105 and 108 days after flowering is suitable for consumption, while the harvest age of 90–95 days after flowering is recommended for longer transportation durations involving non-refrigerated and refrigerated vehicles. The harvest age of 105 days after flowering is appropriate for long-distance transportation with non-refrigerated vehicles, while 108 days after flowering is only recommended for inter-province transportation with non-refrigerated vehicles with a short duration of transportation. The existing practice where one harvest age applies for all destinations cannot be recommended as quality deterioration and/or inappropriate maturity level at destination may occur. The results emphasize the importance of determining the optimal harvest time based on the climacteric peak and quality changes during storage to ensure that mangoes meet consumer demands and maximize their quality and shelf life